City of Boise and Treasure Valley Canopy Network are excited to continue our partnership with INLA and your green industry members across the Treasure Valley to continue growing the City of Trees Challenge in 2022!
Thank you to all of our generous industry partners who joined us in 2021: Jayker Re-Wholesale Nursery; Edwards Greenhouse & Flower Shop; Far West Landscape & Garden; Franz Witte; D&B Supply; Timber Creek Recycling; Boise Tree; Idaho Tree Preservation; Flutterby Gardens Landscaping, LLC. Together we successfully planted over 4,000 trees since 2020 and we raised awareness about how to plant the right trees, in the right places for the right reasons. Check out our 2021 Challenge Impact Report at
In 2022, we’re planning spring events in collaboration with our existing nursery partners as an opportunity to share the Challenge with local residents who will buy trees from local nurseries. Finally we’re launching the first year of Boise Tree Captains; these volunteers will help us grow grassroots tree planting strategies in partnership with Boise neighborhoods who are in greatest need of more trees.
If you’re interested in joining the Challenge this year and partnering with us please reach out: